If you haven't been to Jordan you must try it!
Just over a month ago my two dear friends and I thought we would detour to this relatively unknown travel spot before embarking on a historical Egyptian tour (post coming soon I promise). And what an amazing, breathtaking decision did you we make. Personally, I think Jordan outshone the more popular big brother - Egypt but that's for another post.
We were in the middle east for an epic two weeks in October/November, first stop, a week in Jordan. I knew very little of this country: 1) there would be desert, 2) there would be more desert, 3) the Dead Sea, and 4) Petra (in which I had told the girls that no matter what happened I was going to ride a horse just like Indiana Jones did in the last scenes of The Last Crusades - yep a little childhood dream of mine). What we found in Jordan was a truly magical place. The people {especially Talat our local guide from
TravelTalk Tours - seriously guys this isn't a plug because Talat made this trip worthwhile - knowing all of Jordan's local secrets that no tourist could find in any
Lonely Planet book}, the food, the landmarks. The Jordanians have so much to be proud of. Each and every desert mountain looked more magnificent than the last. So much vast space certainly brought peace to one's mind; allowing you to contemplate the path you shall or shan't take. I'm in such awe with you Jordan. 'Til we meet again.

Photographer: EllynSheyr
Location: Jordan (Amman, Jerash, Wadi Rum, Petra)